One Thing I Know

What a Saviour, my RedeemerFriend of sinners, one like meOh, what kindness, suffered violenceHealed my blindness, and set me free
Oh, what grace I’ve found in You my JesusThat my soul should entertain Your greatnessShould this life hold nothing but my SaviourI will praise YouAlways
Heaven’s glory clothed in mercyKnew my story yet took my endOh what freedom, hope like heavenNow forgiven I will rise again
Should this life I liveHold nothing but the cross where Jesus took my shameWith arms stretched wide and my head held highMy every breath will sing again

[What a Saviour, Hillsong Worship]

One Thing I Know...

The Gospel account of John contains the story of Jesus healing a young blind man. He was facing a lot of scrutiny by the Jews for his claims of diety, and the story picks up right in the middle of this tumultuous time. 

“As He (Jesus) passed by, He saw a man blind from birth. … He spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and applied the clay to his eyes, and said to him, “Go wash in the pool of Siloam”. So he went away and washed, and came back seeing. Therefore the neighbors, and those who previously saw him as a beggar, were saying “is not this the one who used to sit and beg?” 
John 9:1, 6-8
The story continues… because the Jews sought to arrest Jesus and people were claiming Jesus healed this man, their leaders questioned him. I paraphrase, “We know this man(Jesus) is a sinner, he didn’t really give you sight did he?” And I love His answer in verse 25, “Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”


Life as we know it is broken. We’re all aware of this. The fall of man rears its ugly head in many ways. The world is corrupt and deceiving, as are our own hearts. We live in the midst of sin, which opposes the life God designed. Through it all , there is one truth we know. There is one truth that stands even if everything else fails. We’ve been given life in Christ. It’s the hope we can always come back to. And it’s the gift for which we continually praise God. 
Notice the mentality we see in the blind man that Jesus healed. They’re asking him all these questions, even getting his parents involved, and he’s like, “Look. I don’t know ANYTHING ELSE but this… I was blind. And now I see.”
We find our life in the One who holds the very universe together. His power is infinite. His strength is unbeatable. Compared to me, this small man of little worth, God is amazingly superior. So the fact that Christ died to give me life, to bring me back to communion with the Father, that’s everything. And the hope He gives, the hope that reaches beyond death transcends all other need. 
Accurately seen, it’s a hope that transcends all other desire as well. Jesus tells a parable of the treasure in the field, describing a man who found a treasure so great he sold all that he had to acquire it. That treasure is the Kingdom of God. Paul wrote to the church in Philippi that they should imitate him in “counting all else as loss in view of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ”. If we have nothing, but have Christ, we have everything. 
Storms will come, and sin will ensnare. People will disappoint us. Our comfort and success will ebb and flow. Our worldly security will falter. But we have one thing that will never fail. And it is the one possession that’s supremely greater than all others. We were dead, but now we are alive. We were blind, but now we see. 
What grace I’ve found in You my Jesus, that my soul should entertain Your greatness. Should this life hold nothing but my Savior, I will praise You always.