Let's talk about Worship
Gordon Dahl wrote these words in his book Work, Play, and Play in a Leisure-Oriented Society: “Most middle class Americans tend to worship their work, to work at their play, and to play at their worship. As a result, their meanings and values are distorted. Their relationships disintegrate faster than they can keep them in repair and their lifestyles resemble a cast of characters in search of a plot.”
Do you ever have questions about how we worship as Christians in the modern era? Why do we sing? How should we sing? What style is best? Can I sing if I feel guilty or uninterested, or is that hypocritical? Should I lift my hands? What does God want from me and for me when I sing? Well, I think I can answer at least a few of those questions here. First let’s define worship in our Christian context.
Worship Defined
Worship is the ascribing of worth to something. It’s putting value into action. You could say it’s the byproduct of holding something in high esteem. That’s the general definition. And when we think about it that way, we can assume everyone worships. Everyone who’s ever lived is a worshiper of something. The Christian, the Jew, the Buddhist, the Wiccan Priestess, the Wallstreet agnostic, and the Ivy League God-hating atheist all have something they value over other things. It could be self, pleasure, success, fame, comfort, control, or the deity of their conscience. They may not describe it that way, but it is worship.
"With God, worship isn’t merely ascribing worth, but it’s ascribing the MOST worth."

So if that’s the general definition, then true worship of our God Yahweh is the action(s) that comes from valuing God above all things. The truth is that His worth is infinite. He is more worthy and valuable than all else. Pagan ‘gods’ within the polytheistic belief system of the ancient world were ok with being worshiped in tandem, but the nature of Yahweh demands we see him as ultimate. With God, worship isn’t merely ascribing worth, but it’s ascribing the MOST worth.
Now, we also have to define what worship is NOT. The conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well helps us with this. In John 4:19-26, she begins to talk about church services and sacrifices. Jesus’s response was clear: she was way off. God is looking for those whose lives are devoted to Christ, those who not only give time to church traditions and obligations, but who drink from the everlasting well of God’s love and grace. Worship is a transitive verb; the most important thing about it is the direct object. Worship dictates we live with the goal to serve God instead of serving ourselves.
It’s frustrating that the word “worship” has become so constrained to a musical portion of a gathering or even how we participate in it. It cheapens it, much to our hurt. Worshiping God doesn’t begin with music. It begins with God. It’s what flows from seeing and savoring God. Revelation and Response. True inner worship is the heart response to the knowledge of the mind of who God is and that God is truly that valuable. Warren Wiersbe said it this way in his book Real Worship, “Worship is the believer’s response of all they are – mind, emotions, will, body – to what God is and says and does.”
So, Why do we Sing?
While singing is not the end-all-be-all of worship, it IS a demonstration of worship. It’s one of many expressions of worship, definitely one of the most potent, so much so that it has its own unique places in scripture and the Church. But let’s get down to the question, why do we sing? We sing-worship for three reasons:
#1 - God commands it

Over and over throughout scripture, God commands His people to sing. There are more than 400 verses in scripture that reference singing, including around 50 direct exhortations to sing. Think about this: God himself is a singing being (Zephaniah 3:17). The Father and the Son are seen singing in scriptures: Matt 26:30, Luke 4:16, Ps 22, Hebrews 2:12 and singing is linked to being filled with the Spirit of God (Eph 5:19). You and I are made in the image of God with the aptitude and inclination to show love and honor by song. We don’t have to think much to realize we are musical beings. Melody and Poetry affect us. Have you ever been to a secular concert and felt a sense of community, even a spirituality at some point during the show? Maybe everyone is singing in unity to something really catchy, and it just feels good. Why? -because we were made to respond to song. It’s for good reason that through all cultures and languages, music has been called the “language of the heart”.
"Your voice, along with every other believing voice has been redeemed by the savior."
We sing because God commands it and because God rightly deserves our praise. Eugene Peterson said this:
“Corporate worship is the strategy by which we interrupt our preoccupation with ourselves and attend to the presence of God.”
1 Cor 6:12-20 instructs, “Don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price.” Now this passage was discussing sexual sin, but the principle remains that we were bought at a price. Your voice, along with every other believing voice has been redeemed by the Savior. Jesus is so worthy of praise that He told the angry pharisees while entering Jerusalem that if the people stopped shouting, the rocks would cry out. When we sing aloud to the King, we’re joining in the just design of all God’s creation.
We are commanded to sing, and it’s good and right that we do… but also God knows we need to sing. We need to sing just like we need communion, baptism, preaching, just like He knew Israel needed the pillars of cloud and fire, which brings us to our next reason for singing…
#2 - God uses it to bless us
There are many blessings given to those who sing out praise to the Lord Almighty! Here’s a solid, but not all-encompassing list. I may expound on these in another post, but for here I’ll hit the highlights.
- Singing encourages and expresses the Spirit’s work in our hearts (Eph 5:18, 2 Cor 3:18)
- Singing helps us remember God’s Word (Col 3:16, Deut 31:21)
- Singing helps us teach and be taught (Eph 5:19)
- Singing helps express and engage our emotions (Eph 5:19, Col 3:16, Psalms, a lot of them)
- Singing helps us express unity within the church (Rom 12:16, 15:5, Col 3:14)
- Singing encourages physical expressiveness (Psalm 108:1-2, Acts 20:36, 1 Cor 14:25, 1 Tim 2:8, Ps 33:1, Ps 47:1, Ps 95:6, Ps 134:2, Ps 149:3)
#3 - God uses it to bless others
In scripture and our church gatherings, we see that singing is not only a Vertical act, but also a Horizontal one. We teach and admonish one another as we sing in the context of congregational worship (Eph 5:18-20; Col. 3:16).
I love this quote from The Gospel Coalition:
“Colossians 3:16 is a command directed at the entire local church, not just leaders or the extroverts in the church. Singing is a communal act where we declare, believe, and apply the gospel. It transforms us from consumers to conduits, leading to mutual edification.”
You sing to minister, and you sing to be ministered to. You (the one) minister by being part of the body, as the body ministers to the one. And what’s really cool is this ministry grows as you deepen in community with people in your church, as you come to better know them and the details of their lives. As this happens, worship service becomes a time where you bear one another’s burdens and sing out truth, prayer, and praise in union with them, regarding their faith as well when you sing. This can look like a friend who has a wayward daughter, and with them in mind you sing of God’s faithfulness to reach the hopeless while they stand on the other side of the room. Or it can look like that person in your fellowship group who’s battling depression, struggling to sing through the idea of Christ being the joy we need, and you singing those words nearby with faith and empathy. This ministry continues on once the songs are over, as you give a hug after service or send an encouraging text during the week.
"God doesn't need your singing, but your neighbor does."
Exaltation and edification are mutually reinforcing. They cannot be separated. Glorifying God encourages others, and loving our brothers and sisters brings delight to God. The vertical and horizontal belong together every Sunday. So, while God doesn’t need your singing, your neighbor does. This by itself should change how we approach corporate singing in church. If your brother is strengthened by your unhindered praise, that is, by you singing to God with volume and stamina, with passion and wonder, then to approach it with anything less shows you don’t care about him. Are others encouraged by your praise to the Lord? Is the faith of your brother and sister stirred up by your worship? It’s a good question for each of us. Christian, sing for those around you, and reap the blessing of being part of God’s work in them!
Physical Expression in Worship
Here in our American churches, we usually see physical expression during times of singing as optional. But the history of God’s people paints a different picture. In scripture, we’re invited to kneel, lift hands, bow, clap, shout, play instruments, dance, kneel, and stand in awe (Psalms 33:1, 8; 47:1; 95:6; 134:2; 149:3; 150:3-5; Acts 20:36, 1 Cor 14:25, 1 Tim 2:8).
Why do we do it? Maybe a better question to first ask is Why don’t we do it? If all the lights were off, or no one could see you, or you were alone, would you be more physically expressive? Why? If you looked up and Christ was in front of you, His glory shining around the sanctuary, would that change how you position your body? Would that change how you sing? Would it change how you feel?

Our body has great power. This is why in scripture, sexual sin is such a big deal. This is also why Jesus used extreme illustrations about how we have to protect ourselves from the desires of the flesh carried out by our bodies (Matthew 5:29-30). “If your right eye causes you to sin, cut it out”. “If your left hand causes you to sin, cut it off”. Jesus wasn’t really telling people to mutilate their bodies, but He was illustrating a point. Your body can be an enemy or an ally in the fight of spiritual formation. Fasting is a way we make our body an ally. Silence and solitude or sitting still in meditating on God’s goodness and Word are ways we make our body an ally. Bowing in prayer guides our focus. Physical expression in both individual and corporate worship is also a way we make our body an ally. Our body can lead our spirit. Hands lifted can steer the depth of the soul like a rudder steers a ship. HH Rowley had a great word on this in his book Ancient Israel –
"The first element in worship is adoration. The Hebrews expressed this by their posture and not alone by their word. For they prostrated themselves before God. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. They did not come with an easy familiarity into the presence of God, but were aware of His greatness and majesty, and came with a sense of privilege to His house."
HH Rowley
When you start thinking about it, it’s obvious how bringing our body into action plays a part in our lives and our interactions. We wave when we say hi. We pump our fist when our team scores. We shake hands and high five. We tell people to sit down to hear good news. It’s pervasive! Why would we suppress our body during worship of the Creator God? It’s time the American church in large left the staunch worship of past days and started giving God their fullest expression. He deserves the best, and the greatest blessing comes from giving our best to Him.
Worship Disciplines can Help!
There’s a myriad of things that keep us from participating in worship in the best way, things that keep us from giving the most God-honoring praise and from receiving God’s blessings as we sing. We can be distracted. We might not feel ‘in the mood’. We could be self-conscience or fearful of what others think of us. Along with that, we may have negative feelings about someone in the fellowship. We may feel a great lack of skill, or even a lack of interest in the style being sung. The list goes on. Luckily, there are ways to bring ourselves to the right place, just as Paul said he disciplines his feelings of entitlement (1 Cor 9:27), we discipline our feelings, moods, and notions that keep us from giving God his due.
Here are 5 Ways to Cultivate Worship Discipline
· Gratitude is a practice. It leads our hearts into worship. It’s a weapon against discontentment, disappointment, etc. Set aside times or set up rituals to practice gratitude, thinking of or writing down things you’re thankful for.
· Humility is a position. It’s the base, the starting point of worship and wonder. It is a weapon against pride, grudges, etc. Do your best to come to church service with a posture of reverence and awe. Setting a rhythm that you pray at your seat before service is a good way to do this.
· Intentionality is acting with purpose. Psalm 47:7 tells God’s people to “sing praises with understanding”. Sing intelligently, thoughtfully, thinking on the meanings, relating them in your thoughts to your life and experience. Praise God for his specific attributes, His name, His word, His provision, His mercy, etc. Protect yourself from going through the motions. You can set reminders, hold each other accountable with your spouse or with friends. Bring your affections and your intellect, your doctrine and devotion, your truth and thankfulness. Write down and rehearse a Sunday morning prayer for how you set your body and mind to be intentional.
· Consistency is a pattern. Worship in the OT and NT was a pattern, a way of living. Not only is it commanded, it was understood. The context of corporate worship was assumed in the writing. Make worship a regular pattern that you’re hard pressed to neglect.
· Protocol is a predetermined plan. It is preparation. Plan and prepare for Sunday morning, not neglecting its potential. Typically, it’s one of the biggest times of your week when you’re most likely to receive from the Lord. Our hearts are more easily set aflame in worship when the coals are already hot. Listen to the songs ahead of time. Read scripture ahead if possible. Set a Saturday night routine: lay out everyone’s clothes, car keys, etc. Decide what breakfast will be. Pray for yourself, your family, and the church. Wake up on time. Leave with plenty of time to spare. Post-Church protocol is important too. Recap the scripture, sermon points, and songs the next day (Monday), and contemplate what the Lord is teaching you.
Discipline is work. It’s not easy. If it was, it wouldn’t produce meaningful results. It’s been said that if it is a cross to you, take it up and you will find a blessing.
To Close...
“Sing lustily and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength. Be no more afraid of your voice now, nor more ashamed of it being heard, than when you sung the songs of Satan.”
John Wesley
If the Lord stood at the pulpit and the rest of the church disappeared from the building, would the Lord be pleased with your worship? Would your worship shine brightly compared to your work and play? My hope is that by us taking this word to heart, the answer will be an ever increasing ‘yes!’.